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Leave a legacy

© Ian Dagnall/Alamy © Ian Dagnall/Alamy

If you share our beliefs about protecting our precious heritage of a beautiful countryside, please consider leaving a gift to Dorset CPRE in your will. Your legacy, no matter what the amount, will help us ensure that developments are sensitive to the countryside, and that housing sprawl is kept in check. With your help, there will be a green, tranquil and beautiful England for tomorrow’s children to enjoy.

 “The English countryside is an exceptional creation – immensely old, full of surprises and nearly always pleasing to look at. For me, the countryside represents so much of what makes life worth living but how much of it will be left for future generations to enjoy?” Bill Bryson
3 Simple steps to leaving a legacy to Dorset CPRE
  1. Find a solicitor or other qualified advisor
  2. Decide what type of gift you’d like to leave CPRE – a share of your estate or a fixed sum.
  3. Take our details with you – your solicitor or advisor will need our full name (Dorset CPRE), address and registered charity number 211974.

Our address is:

Dorset CPRE, PO Box 9018, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 9GY 

Thank you

© CPRE | Dorset CPRE, PO Box 9018, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 9GY | Tel: 0333 577 0360, | Email:, | Web:
Registered charity number: 211974  | Privacy Policy