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Who we are

Hollis Mead Diary Farm 6th Sept 2023
Visit to Hollis Mead Dairy Farm 6th Sept 2023 Linda Williams

Dorset CPRE, the countryside charity, is the local branch of the CPRE – Campaign to Protect Rural England. We want a thriving, beautiful countryside for everyone to value and enjoy.


CPRE has campaigned for almost a century to promote, enhance and protect the countryside for everyone’s benefit, wherever they live. We work with communities, businesses and government to find positive and lasting ways to help the countryside thrive – today and for generations to come. Our work covers a number of areas, we care about:

  • Nature and landscapes
  • Better places to live and visit
  • Sustainable farming including promoting quality local food and drink producers
  • Climate change in particular promoting rooftop solar and benefits of hedgerows
  • Sustainable transport
  • Dark Skies
  • Reducing litter and recycling

Dorset CPRE

The Dorset branch of CPRE is a registered charity in its own right and has four local ‘Groups’ as well as topic specialists covering issues such as Renewable Energy, Housing, Flooding & Nutrient Neutrality, and Dark Skies.

Our committed team are as follows:

Chair: Neil Matthews
Vice-Chair: Jez Hughes CBE
Treasurer: Bob Bowmer
Dr Frances Hogwood
Alexander Rottenburg
Sandra Brown
David Holmes

President: Kate Adie CBE
Peter Neal
Richard Norman
Dr John Larkin
Dr Guy Dickinson

Branch Contact: Linda Williams
Planning Advisor: Heidi Poole