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Brownfield first policy

Our Green Belt Our Green Belt

CPRE first proposed Green Belts to stop urban sprawl.

In May 2022 CPRE published a report 'The countryside next door: why we need to invest in greener, healthier Green Beltscalling on Government to commit to providing sufficient funds to deliver on its commitment, in the Levelling Up Bill, to ‘improved Green Belts around towns and cities’. The report is based on research analysing the geographical spread of agri-environment schemes and considers the financial implications of the Environmental Land Management schemes that are to be introduced. CPRE urges Government to honour its pledge to both protect and enhance Green Belt land.

Agri-environment schemes to plant trees, improve soil health, boost biodiversity and restore historic parks and buildings are not sufficiently benefiting the countryside that is most accessible to the general public, especially the 30 million people who live in urban centres. Only 19% of Green Belt land is covered by agri-environment schemes, yet 28% of land is covered by such schemes overall, indicating significant under-investment where it is most needed.

CPRE finds that the increase in visitors to Green Belt land seen during the pandemic is being maintained, with greater recognition of the benefits to health and wellbeing provided by access to nature. But this valuable Green Belt land is under increasing threat of development and in need of greater protection.

Locally, a big problem is the questionable use of the undefined term ‘exceptional circumstances’ to justify removal of land from Green Belts for development. Such development is too often large executive houses that do nothing to address the lack of affordable housing for Dorset residents, and has seen 70% of the Green Belt around Wimborne removed for development. In recent years this power has also been used to remove Green Belt protection from the countryside next door to many in BCP and East Dorset, particularly in the Stour Valley.

A ‘clear prioritisation’ of brownfield
Recent changes to the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill, including emphasising brownfield over greenfield, are welcome but vague. CPRE is calling for broad amendments to the National Planning Policy Framework, which is being reviewed in 2023 with the consultation open until 2nd March 2023, to include a clear prioritisation of brownfield development over greenfield sites.


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