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 9th April 2018

Housing & NPPF and Agriculture consultations

Housing & NPPF

In the last two editions of 'The Dorset Review', Richard Nicholls in the chair’s report commented on the Housing White Paper and the lack of affordable housing position. Following on from the White Paper, in March the Government published a new revised version of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), on which it will consult before agreeing the final version. As we write, CPRE, at National Level, are analysing the content and will then produce, after discussion with Branches, a response to the proposals.
Initially CPRE gave a cautious welcome to some of the measures in the NPPF revision document. Director of Campaigns and Policy, Tom Fyans saying: "The review has some positive steps to accelerating the build-out rate and reassures that Green Belt protection will be maintained. AONBs and National Parks could benefit from better protections, especially against ‘major’ development proposals."
"We welcome the much stronger emphasis on developer accountability. Measures to tackle slow build-outs rates and stop developers undercutting affordable housing requirements through the viability loophole are important steps in guaranteeing that communities get what they need."
"It is also encouraging to hear the government reiterate its commitment to protecting the countryside, specifically Green Belt and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty protections. A stronger promotion of prioritising brownfield land and increasing density is to be welcomed and reflects CPRE’s long campaigning on these issues. But the proof will be in the implementation and whether people’s aspiration, expressed through local plans, are fulfilled in real life."


The Government is consulting on its proposed direction on future agricultural policy published in February. There has been concerns previously expressed by CPRE on the position of smaller farmers and they will be indicating such concerns in their response. We have a very strong farming tradition in Dorset and the future of our farms is vital to our economy and of the countryside which we cherish. Our farming adviser, Shaun Leavey, will have input to the CPRE response.




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