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Paddock Project, Sherborne, planning application, CPRE withdraw objection

The Paddock Project, artist's impression of gallery The Paddock Project, artist's impression of gallery

16th June 2019

Planning Application for The Paddock Project WD/D/18/002619, we explain reason for withdrawing objection to the project

LAND SOUTH OF PADDOCK GARDENS / THE PADDOCK PROJECT Application No. WD/D/18/002619- Committee Hearing on 18 June

As Chairman of The CPRE Sherborne and District Society, we have written objection letters on this matter on the 12 December 2018 and the 21 January 2019. These letters showed serious concerns about the above Application concerning the Paddock project – “the Project”. Following various amendments to the Project uploaded to the Dorset Council -“DC”, web-site between the 20 May and 6 June and liaison with Heritage England, we write to update James Lytton-Trevers, Case Officer and the Planning Committee on our current views. In summary we have had constructive discussions with the applicants and now withdraw our objection.

But we insist that severe conditions are placed on any permission that might be granted. Further that any agreements reached by DC for the use of the Old Market Car Park takes account of the parking position explained below (see below link to full letter) and in earlier letters both during and after the construction phase. Lastly the lease by Sherborne Town Council –“STC”, for the use of Paddock Gardens contains tough provisions for rejuvenation and reinstatement of that Garden with an adequate and committed budget.
Taking all the comments under the various headings into account (see link to full letter) we do not now object to permission being given to the Application and it should not be refused. However there should be a schedule of conditions to deal with the specific concerns raised in this and previous letters. Since there is no draft schedule of conditions and due to the short time for consultation on this Application for the deferred Meeting of the Committee, we insist that this document – the schedule of conditions should go through a proper public scrutiny process and come before a future meeting of the Planning Committee.

John Newman

Chairman, The Sherborne and District Society


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