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Dorset CPRE – Independent Survey of the Evidence for a National Park for Rural Dorset

14th June 2019

Dorset CPRE supports the proposal for a Dorset National Park which would work with our councils, communities and other stakeholders.

Dorset CPRE supports the proposal for a Dorset National Park which would work with our councils, communities and other stakeholders - including businesses, farmers, landowners, societies and agencies - for thriving, successful and sustainable communities, environment and economy throughout Dorset.

Dorset CPRE wishes a National Park to include as much as possible of rural Dorset and, subject to assessment, to align with the Dorset Council area. To assist the government-appointed Glover Review and to facilitate further detailed assessment, we commissioned Jo Witherden, an experienced and respected Dorset planner, to review the evidence, based on the key criteria for National Park designation, for a National Park based on the Dorset Council area.

The report provides strong and wide-ranging evidence to support the designation of a NP for rural Dorset.
The author also concludes that the evidence base can be improved. For example, more attention has been given, over the years, to researching and documenting the landscape quality of the AONB areas than other parts of rural Dorset, and there are variations and weaknesses in documenting the cultural heritage and in information about biodiversity and recreational opportunity. There are also weaknesses in monitoring the ongoing condition of Dorset’s landscape, biodiversity and heritage assets.
The report recommends that work continue with a view to extending the evidence available. Dorset CPRE will consider an ongoing evidence-gathering project, to create an opportunity for communities, societies, agencies and individuals to participate by contributing to a growing evidence base. This current report, and the growing evidence base which would result from an ongoing project, have the potential make a valuable contribution to the Dorset Council and other stakeholders in their future work, including the preparation of a new Local Plan in which we hope to see the involvement of a new Dorset National Park as a close and supportive partner for the council and our communities.


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