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Sherborne CPRE asks tough questions about historic Town

Sherborne CPRE asks tough questions about historic Town

updated 9th November  2020

The Sherborne CPRE Group has published a free booklet that highlights some aspects of the town’s built environment that need to be addressed.

Whist very appreciative of the town’s rich architectural heritage the booklet identifies a number of neglected buildings - several of significant historic interest – as well as some “missed opportunities”, and also a few eyesores.

Sherborne CPRE Acting Chairman Sir Christopher Coville comments that “We are blessed to be living in such a beautiful town that has so many wonderful buildings, but we must not be complacent about aspects of Sherborne that diminish its outstanding quality as a place to live or to visit. Being a great town does not mean that it cannot get even better and, working with our Town Council, we are determined to address those areas which, with a positive approach, could be improved”.

Some copies have been distributed, but the booklet remains available free to those interested in the town’s future. Please see below a link to a PDF copy of the booklet. 

It invites readers to comment on the content. A Synopsis of responses received by the end of October 2020 is also available to download. Thanks to all who took the time to respond to the Review.




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